Recently I heard a version of a story often told by psychologist and mediation teacher, Tara Brach.

Imagine you are walking in the woods and you see a small dog.  You’re about to pet the dog.  Suddenly it snarls and tries to bite you.  You go from wanting to pet it, to being angry that it wants to attack you. As you turn to leave in judgement, you see the dog has one of its legs caught in a trap.  Now, you feel compassion for the snarling dog.  You know it became aggressive because it is in pain and is suffering. (YogaLife, September 2014)

And there it is.  The moment you immediately identify with the dog, and that lady who got so angry at you for cutting her off on the freeway, or the coach you love who yelled at you and your kid after practice.  You even identify with YOU… for doing all the same things to others at one time or another.

People who hurt, hurt.  It’s real.

The foot in a trap is analogous to feelings of betrayal, hurt, misunderstandings, miscommunication, frustration, lack of control, injustice, you name it…

I’m not suggesting you subject yourself to abuse or regular aggression.  I am suggesting you have compassion for the people who lash out at you, mistreat you, condemn you, misunderstand you, accuse you, or lose their patience with you.  Remember the snarling dog.  Their behavior may have nothing to do with you at all.  As my mama would say, “don’t borrow trouble”.

People are generally good and genuinely care. Don’t judge them. 

Enjoy your weekend – surround yourself with your tribe, or good books, or soothing music, or rock and roll, or a workout, or whatever and whomever helps you LOVE YOU!

Cue cheesy grin :).

More to come,

Tanya B.