We all get bogged down with daily stresses and responsibilities. It’s so easy to fall back into our old (bad) habits.

I am super-guilty of regressing when it comes to things being outside of my control. I want people to do good. When (I think) they aren’t, it makes me irritable.

But I care more about bringing happiness to my family than anything else in the world. I know that showing them joy comes easiest when I’m listening to my heart’s desires and practicing aligning my life. Not anyone else’s.

I’m not putting their happiness above mine – what kid wants their parents to suffer for them?  No kid wants that. I’m letting them see my happiness, my joy, my love, so they can want the same or more for themselves.

So, when I start to get irritable, or even when I’ve boiled over, that’s when I practice self-honesty.  As the luminary, Pema Chodron teaches, self-honesty is when you remember to “be friends with you”.  Admit to yourself you’ve lost sight of your intentions (aka: desires). You know, those things you need energy to flow toward in order to realize the life you’ve always wanted?

Ah ha!

It’s never too late to be good to you. Reaffirm your intentions. Pass it on.

More to come,

Tanya B.