I can NOT believe the heaps of positive energy enveloping 2016 so far! It’s like Elastigirl from The Incredibles…. potential is just wrapped around and around and around, ALL of us!
Can’t you feel it?
I’m not talking about seeing social media pictures of happy faces, laughter, designer clothes, big wins, extravagant vacations and million dollar homes kind of positive energy and potential – that’s misleading and not ‘every-day’ for most people.
I’m talking about life-changes effortlessly falling into place that were once a struggle, or opportunities presenting themselves that otherwise would never have been considered, or situations that remain status quo instead of crumbling… oh, and how about mini-dreams and goals finally coming to pass?!
This is going to be a great year!
I’m witnessing SO many tiny miracles happen for loved ones, friends and even acquaintances. It appears contagious too!
Being happy and supportive of people you love and care about can put you in a state of mindfulness that awakens you to realize small glimmers of hope have turned into large measures of tangible reality for you!
Just the idea of a negative conversation or thought right now seems like a betrayal of this good vibration.
Easy does it though… Remember, this spirited energy will get interrupted. Don’t label it “bad”. Take the opportunity now when things are really jiving to remind yourself of the groundlessness and uncertainty of *every* situation… our paths can change course quickly.
Allow yourself and others to express what I like to call, “human moments” or, bursts of thrill and excitement, or frustration and sorrow.
Just don’t live there in those moments… Practice neutral.
More to come,
Tanya B.
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