Welcome to My Blog

“Listening to your heart’s desires isn’t some new concept… it’s not my idea… it’s in centuries old teachings. My friends on this site have modernized and mastered it. They’re my inspiration. My journey, has been about aligning my life and being open to receive what’s in my heart. It needs to be a daily practice for dreams, wants, and hopes to come to pass. That’s alignment. ” - Tanya Bittner

Holiday Happiness

Wishing you so much happiness this (and every) holiday season.  Though I do empathize with loss and despair at this time of year so it's understood if this month in particular is a little less than jolly for you. It's just, often we hold onto something so tightly it's...

Always Going to be Criticism…

There are people out there who think they know you, will judge you, will even take some perverse pleasure in trying to shame or mock you. There's nothing you can do about it. What others think of you is none of your business. People who hurt, hurt.  It's the way it...

“A Tug of For or Against”

Absolutely LOVE this title.  Thank you Pema Chodron - one of my favorite writers! Sometimes we tug for or against someone or something so intently we hurt ourselves.  Chodron writes about hearing a story of throwing hot coals at enemies.  Certainly you'll hit and burn...

Aligning for 2016

Around this time, millions of people start to make lists of all the things they want to accomplish in the next year.  I'm not much of New Year's Resolution maker but suppose you already know what you want to do with your life... what you want to be? Wait. Did I say,...

Psychological Child Abuse

If you're a frequent reader of my blog, you know I write a lot about alignment, blended families, divorce, marriage, some hard hitting topics and plenty of uplifting ones :).  If you're not a frequent reader, whatever brought you here this time, welcome! We have so...

Help Your Kids by Letting Go

As a parent there's a painful throbbing that comes from watching your kids suffer even the slightest (perceived) failures and missteps let alone the major heartbreaks and screw ups.  And, misstep and screw up they will. It's even harder in those moments to stand...

Divorce: When Negotiating Turns to Manipulation

I wrote about how difficult it can be to negotiate during and after divorce in my post on the High Conflict Personality. Especially so if kids are involved.  Sometimes it's both parties who can't comprehend the spirit of negotiating but oftentimes though, it is just...

Playful Soul

Let your soul come out to play this week! It's Monday and for some of you it will be manic, others less so this time. As you enter your work week, and yes, stay at home moms W O R K... Try and find room to feed your soul.  Your soul needs refueling...

Positive Thinking ~ ya, ya

This is no lecture... It's just some Tuesday truth for you... You already know what you're about to read anyway 😀. It's easier to live in fear and worry than it is to live fearless and worry free.  It's also easier to think negative thoughts than positive ones....


My first vlog 🙂 Big transitions are scary.  Practice self-love, practice, Practice, PRACTICE!  Think intrinsic motivation.  More on that later, but now, a little piece of vulnerability for you, cut yourself some slack: [video width="640" height="428"...