Welcome to My Blog

“Listening to your heart’s desires isn’t some new concept… it’s not my idea… it’s in centuries old teachings. My friends on this site have modernized and mastered it. They’re my inspiration. My journey, has been about aligning my life and being open to receive what’s in my heart. It needs to be a daily practice for dreams, wants, and hopes to come to pass. That’s alignment. ” - Tanya Bittner

Drop it like it’s hot – real life…

Ok, let's just take a moment to appreciate the fact that we have indeed overcome... we haven't NOT made it through anything yet, right? Those scary times, the frustrating ones, devastating heartbreak, injustice, loss, financial stress, health issues, disappointment,...

Inner Strength

Sometimes going through scary stuff can put you in denial... like, "Wait, I know what you just said, but, you can't be talking about me"... hands in ears, singing, la la la la la... kind of denial. I get it. Man do I get it. And so, how do you zoom back-to-life - back...

Hornets’ Nest Of Crazy

Wowsie has 2017 been... active.   It feeeeeeels like May or June, but nope, February 17th. We've been operating daily at a higher than average stress level as a baseline - so when something unexpected spikes, anxiety flies off the charts.  Between President drama,...

Impress Me

As I start to type, I'm not entirely sure how this post will end up.  So many thoughts swirling in my head.  I learned early this morning that my sister-in-law, Lynne (Earlyn), has lost her battle with cancer.  We knew it was coming.  This post...


Imagine the kind of inner circle (friends, family, coworkers), government and world we’d live in if we all genuinely wanted our fellow humans to live freely, and peacefully without being envious or jealous of their successes and happiness? For us ALL to be liberated!

2016 Was a Hell of a Year

2016 has actually been pretty great.  Right up until the day before my 44th birthday (in early October) - things had really fallen into place this year. On the blended family front, routines were well established, boundaries respected (for the most part), everyone...


This!  It's become a favorite technique. Unplug. Unplugging. 10 years ago we would never have used either version of the word as a method of rejuvenating.  I'm not just talking about technology either - I'm talking complete disengagement from toxicity,...

Pushover – Revised

"I'm not a pushover any more. I stand up for myself"!.  Overheard this last week. No, I wasn't eavesdropping - let's say I was privy to an unwelcome, haughty conversation. On its face, there's nothing wrong with those words.  It's always better to have a...

At Peace

A personal essay. It's all I've ever wanted to feel. At peace. From the time my father died when I was eight years old, setting off a chain reaction of some truly awful stuff - I longed for inner peace. I couldn't articulate it then of course, because I didn't even...


Oh em gee this one word... it gets so much air time for all the wrong reasons. For example: "The Kardashians aren't authentic". Well, I disagree. And no, this post isn't about Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe... they're just an illustration; a case in point. And, they're pop...