Welcome to My Blog
“Listening to your heart’s desires isn’t some new concept… it’s not my idea… it’s in centuries old teachings. My friends on this site have modernized and mastered it. They’re my inspiration. My journey, has been about aligning my life and being open to receive what’s in my heart. It needs to be a daily practice for dreams, wants, and hopes to come to pass. That’s alignment. ” - Tanya Bittner
Pain + Love = Transformation
Yikes! Those two words pain and love should never live side-by-side, or… s h o u l d they? Most people run from pain. They hide it (not particularly well) or push it down. Make no mistake, they’re hurting whether the pain is buried deep or not. I believe people who...
I’m talking specifically about personal boundaries. The ones so often violated by acquaintances, friends, ex-friends, exes, even bosses and colleagues. This is an interesting and uncomfortable topic, right? I mean, for you to really align your life you need to have...
Shake Things Up
When you’re ready to stop seeing yourself as “the one who was wronged” or “the victim” then this post - no, this entire blog - is for you. But, if you’re still (perhaps unknowingly) playing the role of martyr in your own life, then most of what’s crafted here will...
Living Authentically? Wtf?
First heard this phrase about two years ago. I immediately balked at it. While in the throes of unraveling a life I had with someone else for 26-years, disrupting the “perfect” family and dismantling a business, the mere idea of hiding behind the buzz phrase, “live...
Forgiveness & Friendship
I had a glass of wine the other night with a friend I hadn’t seen or spoken to in 12 years. Five years before that, I was in her wedding. The ceremony was beautiful, breathtaking even, but the reception turned into a brawl – yep, a full on fistfight. And, NO, it...
Think About It
When I talk about listening to your heart – what I really mean is, think critically about what you’re hearing and how you’re interpreting or attributing it. Are you being completely honest, partially honest, or, lying to yourself altogether? I was asked recently, “How...
Get to Know YOU!
Read on redbookmag.com recently, that blogging is, (and I’m paraphrasing here) like “flinging your diary open for the world to see”. Not sure a better analogy exists. I’ve blogged for years. Mostly professional pieces focused on the high-end, exclusive, country club...
Cocktails, Perspective, and Gushy Stuff
Today was one of the most bizarre days I’ve had in a long time. I won’t bore you with granular details, ok, yes I will, but in short, I thought I should give up on the day some time around 10:00 am, head to a bar, and order a Manhattan. This ever happen to you?...
Get on with it ~ 2014
I know, it’s only the 3rd day of 2014. But it’s not too early to get on with it. It being – your life. I’ve read so many inspiring quotes over the last few days, but here’s one that jumped off the page: “everything you want is on the other side of fear” – Jack...
2014 Heart’s Desires
To show you that I intend to practice what I preach… and embark on this journey with you, here’s a glimpse of my 2014 desires. I desire to: Blog (write) daily Finish my novel Secure a literary agent Marry the man of my dreams Launch my special project Rebrand and...