Welcome to My Blog
“Listening to your heart’s desires isn’t some new concept… it’s not my idea… it’s in centuries old teachings. My friends on this site have modernized and mastered it. They’re my inspiration. My journey, has been about aligning my life and being open to receive what’s in my heart. It needs to be a daily practice for dreams, wants, and hopes to come to pass. That’s alignment. ” - Tanya Bittner
Perfect Isn’t a Thing
It feels so great to be writing about blended families, love, the realities of divorce, and especially alignment, again! I've been waiting and waiting for this new blog to be perfect before I post the first time. Waiting on one more photograph to be sent my way so it...
Savor your splendidness
When you’re having THE best days, best hours, or even best moments you want to tell EVERYONE! Many of us even shout it from the rooftops, I mean, Twitter and Facebook. And that’s ok. You want to completely feel those endorphins. Drink in that joy. It’s contagious and...
It’s all about YOU
Cue hand wave – hi there! Ugh, so sorry it’s been a while since I last posted to my temporary home here on tumblr, but it’s not because I haven’t been writing. Quite the opposite ~ I’ve been super busy with my family the past 30 days or so, making for some great...
The Sky is… Yellow?
Nope, last I checked it was blue. But in divorce, each party has their own sense of what’s real, and it changes by the moment. First the disclaimer: I’m not an attorney, so by no means am I offering up any legal advice. And, if there is even a remote chance...
Don’t Lose Your Zest!
This journey we’re on together toward alignment, is fraught with confusion, rooted in uncertainty, anxiety, and courage. We become acutely focused on identifying what and who brings us relief or suffering along the way. I’ve been on this odyssey of sorts for nearly...
Reaffirm Your Intentions
We all get bogged down with daily stresses and responsibilities. It’s so easy to fall back into our old (bad) habits. I am super-guilty of regressing when it comes to things being outside of my control. I want people to do good. When (I think) they aren’t, it makes me...
Party of Six ~ Our Blended Family
No amount of acting or pretending can imitate the honest, authentic, exuberant laughter from one child, let alone four – all at the same time – for hours on end! We truly treasure the time the six of us have together. We listen to hear instead of to speakand these...
Divorced moms with kids: Are you letting go gracefully or just being a jerk?
You created a life together, made beautiful babies. Surely that common thread, woven through the fabric of your former life, is long enough to pull right through to your current one, bolstering some type of relationship with your ex, right? Not so fast. No one is...
Live in YOUR truth
You hear it all the time… your truth… what the hell does it mean? Well it probably depends on how you learned “truth” as a kid. Growing up, did you want to be a writer, but were told you should become a banker instead because it paid more? How about if you always...
Assume ~ Makes an Ass Out of U and Me
You’ve heard this little idiom once or twice. I heard it just the other day. And it’s ironic, because the man who delivered it (with haughty arrogance) made an assumption of his own, and consequently, made a total ass out of himself. “It’s like good advice… that you...