You hear it all the time… your truth… what the hell does it mean?
Well it probably depends on how you learned “truth” as a kid.
Growing up, did you want to be a writer, but were told you should become a banker instead because it paid more? How about if you always wanted to play a certain sport as a kid but were told it was too dangerous or that it was only for boys?
You weren’t living your truth then. In fact you were taught not to live it later too.
I believe you will never fulfill your destiny if you continue to deny yourself the things your heart wants. Be very careful… if you never learned truth as a kid, then you might not know it when you hear it as an adult. Worse yet, you’ll fool yourself into thinking some big life change is your truth when really it was just your whim.
Get quiet. Get real. Speak your truth. Then live in it.
More to come,
Tanya B.
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