So, if shenpa is an attachment, hook, habit or, let’s say the “urge” to do, behave, react… and those actions then trigger anger, resentment, self-doubt, insecurity, sadness… then all those uncomfortable emotions I’ve just rattled off are called Kleshas.
Ok, got my Buddhism dictionary handy:
Shenpa = hook
Kleshas = emotions
My favorite mentor on enlightenment and peace is Pema Chodrön. She explains there’s a cycle — and it goes something like this:
Shenpa is the clinging to ego and this gives rise to strong emotions (Kleshas) which then lead us round and round, and this round and round pattern is called Samsara… and Samsara basically equals, pain.
And there it is. Right there, where you stand, sit or lay…
if it feels like you’re in a circular situation of shenpas and Kleshas, you are in pain.
I’m not a Buddhist… but I take little bits of knowledge here and there from all kinds of spiritual sources that I identify with in order to grow. To be better.
So I leave you with this… if you find yourself feeling tongue tied, frustrated, misunderstood, angry, hurt, and betrayed — take a look around. Who is making you feel like this? What is making you feel like this? The way you behave in those high stress moments isn’t you. It’s your pain. That’s not love. Love doesn’t hurt. The absence of love, hurts.
Foreshadowing: Sometimes you need to buy your peace.
Done with the round and round. Done with the past. Done with toxicity, and done with Samsara ✌️.
More to come,
Tanya S.
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