Sometimes going through scary stuff can put you in denial… like, “Wait, I know what you just said, but, you can’t be talking about me”… hands in ears, singing, la la la la la… kind of denial.
I get it. Man do I get it.
And so, how do you zoom back-to-life – back to re-al-ity (did y’all just sing right there? a little soul-II-soul for you ’80’s fans)… seriously though, how do you force yourself to be present, hear what’s being said, and make informed decisions so things become, less scary?
It’s kind a what we’ve been training for right? Not to hear bad news and be cool with it – not quite – I mean, conditioning ourselves to be less reactionary, less afraid, more comfortable with the hearing of bad news… uncertainty of life, more awareness.
FYI – yep, another one. this was in drafts (I write A LOT) since March 14th… and again, I know exactly what we were preparing for then – what we were practicing… and now that we’re on the other side of it – our practice paid off. Loving the practice! Today is May 31st… but the post will live where it was meant to… where it was felt.
I promise, more to come,
Tanya B.
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