Wowsie has 2017 been… active.   It feeeeeeels like May or June, but nope, February 17th.

We’ve been operating daily at a higher than average stress level as a baseline – so when something unexpected spikes, anxiety flies off the charts.  Between President drama, fake news accusations, ex-husband and ex-wife conciliations, attorneys on the payroll, family death and illness, women’s rights, fears, immigration nightmares, full-time (amazing) work and intensified kids’ schedules with magnificent fees – it’s remarkable we (I mean I) haven’t completely F R E A K E D out in the last, wait for it… five weeks.

If it weren’t for my caring, brilliant, “he gets me”,  husband, our faith, an unconditional loving family, solid network of new and lifelong friends, trusted colleagues, I likely would have!

I’m a straight shooter – always have been.  And i’m 100 % unapologetic for it.  I only have relationships with friends and family of like mind.  High integrity, fair individuals with love, not ego, as their foundation.  And, not one of them is a “yes man”.  We all need people around us who adore us, sure… but they have to be willing to speak truth to us too – because make damn certain, if you have a posse of ass kissers around you who never challenge your motivations, decisions, and reactions (with love), you’re not evolving – and we all need to do more of that.

FYI: I had this post sitting drafts, today is actually May 31st – but I’m going back and posting this where it belongs in its moment in time… things are VERY different now than they were February 17th… very.  Oh the feels looking back :).

More to come,

Tanya B.