It’s not a sign of weakness to ask for what you want. Asking for love, happiness, security, peace, and even forgiveness may feel vulnerable, but that openness shows great fortitude and resilience. Why? Because you will be denied. Repeatedly. When it happens your pulse will race, your heart will hurt… real bad. Your bones will ache, you can feel utterly immobilized. But that two-way flow of honesty (asking + rejection) will feed your soul and that’s when it begins to trust you. You. Can’t. Have. Pleasure. Without. Pain. The courage to ask again and again even though you’ve been rejected before means there’s an expansion happening. There’s nothing weak about that.
And let me tell you, when you nail it… when what you ask for is met with this mirror of acceptance, you are elated! Your heart leaps, your skin feels electric! You’re transported to cloud nine with a whole new level of zeal for all of your desires. Not just a high of receiving what you asked for this time… you are empowered and open to ask for more!
Often times your mind can stretch far enough to keep asking despite the potential of being met with an unwanted answer, but your heart and soul may be slow to follow after being hurt and rejected. Sometimes it’s the other way around entirely. Your heart and soul forgive and start moving faster than your mind will allow.
But when the internal tug-of-war ceases, these magical parts of you synch up and start to work in tandem… that’s alignment… and you’ll begin to see those branches on the decision tree of life more clearly… more paths for asking will be revealed.
Take them. There’s strength in movement.
More to come,
Tanya B.
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