by tanyabittner | Mar 3, 2018 | Today
Divorce isn’t over when the marriage is, or even when the judgement is signed. It keeps going and going and going.
Sometimes I have advice and sometimes I need to get real and vent too. It’s more relatable and authentic that way any way.

In honor of my bad ass, take no shit, survivor, fighter, mom on her heavenly birthday, here we go:
- If you want to do less driving, start paying what you owe so things feel more equitable
- Get therapy, you have pain you’re not dealing with and it clouds your judgement
- If you’re co-habitating with a romantic partner, your spousal support will come to an end — start budgeting
- If you’re using child support intended for the minors to fund college for the adult kid instead, that’s your choice but you still have to pay 1/2 the medical bills for minors — and you will pay
- If you can afford to go on a “recouperation” trip for your live-in romantic partner, you can afford to pay your share of your kid’s prescription
- Also, you’ve had cosmetic surgery — so you know the difference — your kid’s needs aren’t cosmetic, crazy — try parenting
Times up y’all — the Shuckharts aren’t funding all the operations any more ✌️.
Time. is. up.
More to come,
Tanya S.
by tanyabittner | Jan 7, 2018 | Today
Can’t believe there’s five years of content on this blog! Writing here has helped me get through some tough times, that’s for sure. Maybe the posts have even helped some of you, too.
This new month and new year F E E L so different though.
I don’t just believe this year is going to be life-changing, I KNOW it.
Yes, you still have to practice positivity and set realistic, small, attainable milestones to see any changes come to pass. Starting with daily affirmations like these, maybe:
- Be kinder today
- Show more compassion today
- Forgive a little bit more tomorrow
- Move five minutes more tomorrow
- Say ‘no’ to something you know isn’t good for you tomorrow
Bit by bit I promise, practicing alignment and positivity will naturally if not eventually, bring you more joy. That’s because you’ll be putting more and more time into the things that make you feel good. And that’s the goal of course. The rest is noise.
With the changing of one year to the next this time though, something is different for me. Sure I’m still practicing positivity, but these January feels are far more than results of the conditioning I’ve been doing for y e a r s … a new energy has taken hold. A vibration that’s just so steady and sure. I can’t even question it if I want to, and yes I have wanted to! Even tried shooting holes in this feeling and I simply can’t — it’s solid. It just is.
Is this what it feels like right before you run down your dreams?
I’ll let you know :).
Meantime, here I am head down, working hard — contented. Life isn’t perfect. But it’s pretty damn good and I love my people.
Never give up friends, ever.
More to come,
Tanya S.
by tanyabittner | Dec 26, 2017 | Today
I listened to an Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations’ podcast yesterday with Harvard trained –positivity psychologist, Shawn Achor. It’s nothing short of brilliant: “Happiness is a choice and we’re not shackled to our unhappy genes”.
Wait what? So:
- You can be happy even if parts of your childhood weren’t
- You can be happy even if your parents weren’t
- You can be happy even if you weren’t born happy genetically
- And, you can be happy even if bad things have happened
Yep. Dope. Knew it.
You gotta listen to the two-part podcast because Achor’s (and not mine) is the voice you want to hear in your head on this topic. He’s so relateable and so not Harvard-y.
You can fight your genes and your environment to be happy and there’s science behind the benefits of living a positive life. It’s not just a spiritual gimmick.
My take away was pretty simple and it made me think of my kids. Yours too. Because, they need to practice happy NOW. Their baseline happy is higher than the generation before it (us) but it can be higher! Our world needs them to understand and teach the difference between pleasure (fleeting) and joy (happiness even when times are tough).
“The joy you feel striving for your potential”
All we have is now, yes — but — we can practice now for how we react (to bad stuff) later… with compassion, high integrity, kindness, compromise, and community — these are master qualities.
Positive thoughts. Positive life. It’s proven. By Harvard! Lol… Let’s go.

by tanyabittner | Dec 23, 2017 | Today
I can’t wait for you.
Sure, 2017 has been filled with breathtaking highs and devastating lows… all the makings of a memorable year.
But, in 2018… I’m practicing a slower, more deliberate life pace. Focused, driven, peaceful leading, ambitious, kind… and steady as she goes.
This will be our year 🖤.

More to come,
Tanya S.
by tanyabittner | Dec 5, 2017 | Today
Sometimes it’s all you can do. Pray. You know your heart, and what’s in it. God does too.
I know and love that God knows our every thought, dream, and desire. He knows. So, when times get tough, when you are misunderstood, demonized, and when you are vilified – God knows that too. Let Him handle what you can’t.
Rest. Everything will be ok. In His time only.
Peace and more to come,
Tanya S.
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