I had hoped to mess around on tumblr a bit more before pushing out my initial post on alignment but, it seemed contradictory to the purpose of the evolving alignment theme – which, at its core is very simple: if you’re exerting energy on anything but realizing your heart’s desires, you’re not really living.
Bold statement, I know. But, think about it. What is your heart telling you it wants? How are you aligning your life to realize your desires?
Before you attempt to answer those loaded questions – you might first ask this one: who the hell am I to be offering tips on living anyway?
Here’s a mini-timeline:
Born ~ 1972
Father Died ~ 1980
Sister #1 Died ~ 1994
Grandmother Died ~ 1995 (1st family matriarch)
Brother #1 Died ~ 1997
Brother #2 Died ~ 2005
Mother Died ~ 2005 (2nd family matriarch, and arguably the great love of my life, died while I was pregnant with my 2nd daughter)
Sister #2 Died ~ 2009
Until 2011 (39 years old), I knew a lot about dying. I also hadn’t mourned for one of them. Crying was not allowed. You pulled yourself up by your boot straps and just kept “living”.
2012 and 2013 were critical years of alignment for me. In short (I’ll explain more in future posts), I ended a 17 year marriage, disassembled a 12 year old business, turned my children’s (now 12 and 7) lives completely upside down, moved three times, and, found the greatest love of my life.
After 39 years, I started listening to my heart’s desires. Instead of manufacturing and branding the perfect life, I started living.
I have to add, I am NOT an advocate of divorce. If you’re not ready to put your (and your spouse’s) entire family through shit, yes, shit, pain and suffering not unlike that of a death, lose friends, lose money, hurt your children, in some cases, lose your children, or have them alienated from you, then seek therapeutic help and work your ass off to save your marriage.
Today, I challenge you to list your heart’s desires. Not goals (although you’ll see these start to align), but list all the things you desire in this one life.
Remember, happiness is contagious.
More to come,
Tanya B.
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