by tanyabittner | Aug 22, 2015 | Today
That thing you keep pushing off for the right place, time, or circumstance… get on with it already!
It’s nagging at you for a reason. I’m not talking about the things you don’t even think about unless your memory is jogged somehow… Like taxes. Pause.
You should totally roll up your sleeves and get those things filed, but it’s not what I mean when I say get on with it. I’m talking about the dreams, desires, and aspirations you think about every waking moment.
Get on with those.
Take small steps toward realizing what’s in your heart – then when you take big steps and get momentum, no matter how long it takes, give ‘er! [my Canadian upbringing came out right there in the end – no apologies].
You’ll be *this* much closer to aligning your life because you’ll be contributing to your heart; you’ll be making deposits for your heart instead of withdrawals. Oh girl, oh man!! When you see the balance sheet of your heart stacked with deposits – there’s nothing like it!
Get on with it!
More to come,
Tanya B.
by tanyabittner | Aug 13, 2015 | Today
Say what?
Yes it’s true. For example, you can have your work persona, and your bedroom persona. You could also have 10 personas or 20… doesn’t matter. You define you :).
Either way, obviously they’re very different versions of you. Living authentically doesn’t mean everyone in your sphere has or gets to experience every part of you.
You’ll know what serious, funny, loving, sad, intellectual, academic, athletic, professional, grumpy and/or silly parts of you to show to whom and when.
It doesn’t mean you’re inauthentic… It means you are fantastically multidimensional!
Love all the pieces of your whole.
More to come,
Tanya B.
by tanyabittner | Aug 12, 2015 | Today
And that’s ok…
You feel it – viscerally… the universe telling you it’s not safe to land and establish roots just yet, and it’s not ok to fly away either. So, just hang.
Inspired by such an “energizing” meet up with my brilliant, radiant friend Cynthia Saito tonight.
We were so in the moment we didn’t think to snap the obligatory selfie, but I promise you it was a vivid, authentic, playful, and surprisingly enterprising evening :).
Then my hubby walked up and we were a *wrap* (play on words for those of you who don’t know about Wrapadoo) … because, [he’s] GORGEOUS and I needed to get him home ;-).
More to come,
Tanya B.
by tanyabittner | Aug 10, 2015 | Today
Monday’s can be manic. Try and find a little you time to slow things down and reawaken. Feed your body and your soul.
I found a little Peace here at one of our favorite joints.

More to come,
Tanya B.
by tanyabittner | Aug 9, 2015 | Today
I am motivated by love! It’s why I react with such compassion and yes, sometimes with gargantuan amounts of ferocity when it comes to protecting my kids and their hearts.
My infinite love for them and desire for their happiness is the driving force behind everything I do and say that relates to them.
They know I have their backs (and fronts) and they count on it.
Love is also what fuels my marriage. As it should be. Anything I do with and for Brad is manifested in the purest form love. From chopping vegetables together to snuggling by the fire, and all that’s in between. It is the absolute foundation and anchor of our relationship. I love every single thing about him and I tell him what those things are every day. It makes us both feel good.
I also love communication. It’s what I earned my degree in and it’s a craft I have been dedicated to for two decades (and before I ever started college). I love to help businesses succeed, get noticed, and even get sold. I love to bring new ideas to the table, love to hear new ideas from colleagues, and love, love, love to see great visions come to pass.
For better or worse – I. LOVE. I love life!!

Choose love. You might misstep, but you can never go wrong with it.
More to come,
Tanya B.
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