by tanyabittner | Jan 22, 2016 | Today
I can NOT believe the heaps of positive energy enveloping 2016 so far! It’s like Elastigirl from The Incredibles…. potential is just wrapped around and around and around, ALL of us!
Can’t you feel it?
I’m not talking about seeing social media pictures of happy faces, laughter, designer clothes, big wins, extravagant vacations and million dollar homes kind of positive energy and potential – that’s misleading and not ‘every-day’ for most people.
I’m talking about life-changes effortlessly falling into place that were once a struggle, or opportunities presenting themselves that otherwise would never have been considered, or situations that remain status quo instead of crumbling… oh, and how about mini-dreams and goals finally coming to pass?!
This is going to be a great year!
I’m witnessing SO many tiny miracles happen for loved ones, friends and even acquaintances. It appears contagious too!
Being happy and supportive of people you love and care about can put you in a state of mindfulness that awakens you to realize small glimmers of hope have turned into large measures of tangible reality for you!
Just the idea of a negative conversation or thought right now seems like a betrayal of this good vibration.
Easy does it though… Remember, this spirited energy will get interrupted. Don’t label it “bad”. Take the opportunity now when things are really jiving to remind yourself of the groundlessness and uncertainty of *every* situation… our paths can change course quickly.
Allow yourself and others to express what I like to call, “human moments” or, bursts of thrill and excitement, or frustration and sorrow.
Just don’t live there in those moments… Practice neutral.
More to come,
Tanya B.
by tanyabittner | Jan 20, 2016 | Thoughts & Desires
It’s as reactionary as pulling your hand off a hot stove. Guilt. It happens instantaneously when you think you’ve really blown it. Ever noticed how close the words gut and GUilT are?
It’s ok to be mindful in that moment and feel that pain. In fact it’s healthy psychologically and emotionally to feel remorse. But eventually you have to let the guilt pass through you. You have to forgive yourself.
You’ve already acknowledged what you’ve done and know you never want to feel like that again; though you will because… human. imperfect.
And this is exactly what you want to practice: resisting the urge to stay with that panicky energy.
Pema Chodron says you want to strengthen the ability to drop the panic and shed the back story attached to the feeling. The feeling becomes less intense without the storyline. Unfortunately the nauseating pain in your gut doesn’t go away quite as fast as it arrived but Chodron says, being aware of it gives meaning to your suffering.
Often times there’s a disparity between our intentions and our actions. Guilt isn’t the only emotion we experience when something doesn’t go our way or when we unwittingly make a mess of things. We become impatient, frustrated, and unreasonable. Just like our kids (cue smirk).
If you’ve blown it recently I’m sincerely sorry to hear it. Acknowledge it, breathe-it-in, forgive yourself, and hold that acute awareness closer next time. It’s all you can do.
More to come,
Tanya B.
by tanyabittner | Jan 1, 2016 | Today
Do not go gentle into that good night.
– Dylan Thomas
And you sure didn’t.
2015 was mostly a sea of dreams. But last week? Well, let’s just say 2015 and the universe were clearly at odds and they kept us on our toes to the end!
Reflecting on the whole, 2015 was filled with love, sprinkled with victories, wrought with minor yet annoying medical conditions, legal battles, heaps of change (all good thankfully), a little travel, and a lot of peace. We have been blessed.
We woke to a new day, a new year, new outlook, new blessings, new goals and expectations for 2016.

Your year is what *you* make it. You have to be obsessed with achieving what you wish for, that is to say, what your heart is whispering to you. It’s not enough to daydream about it.
Align your life to make it happen!
Leave the doubt and excuses back in 2015. This year is your best YOU yet!
Happy New Year!
More to come,
Tanya B.
by tanyabittner | Dec 28, 2015 | Today
I believe that’s true. Perception is reality and everyone can have a different perception or interpretation of situations, conversations, someone’s personality/behavior, intentions, circumstances, shapes and even colors.
How you perceive things or people may be entirely different than how your friend, acquaintance, loved one, stranger, or colleagues perceive.
That’s because you may be different ages, sexes, nationalities and you all have different experiences, values, memories, expectations, beliefs and environmental conditions.
I would caution against assuming someone is engaging in subterfuge just because their interpretation or perception at one place in time is different from yours. For example a flippant remark may be no more than a lack of vocabulary or inability to articulate in the moment.
There’s nothing wrong with being intellectually curious about things or trying to find answers to puzzling questions or situations but be careful not to label or draw inaccurate conclusions.
You can’t unsay or unhear some things especially the kind that sting, but you can forgive, understand and believe people are inherently good.
I do.
More to come,
Tanya B.
by tanyabittner | Dec 23, 2015 | Today
Divorce sucks. There I said it (again). Even if it’s what you wanted, even if it’s the best decision you’ve ever made, and e v e n if you belted out a joyous, fist pumping, “Hell ya!” when it was finally over… the whole process leading into that moment of freedom, SUCKS.
I know it. I get it. And, it does get better. But you don’t want to hear that right now with all the insta’s and Facebook posts of spouses laughing, fa-la-la-ing, and snuggling… so I get that too.
Whether you wanted to be divorced or not, if you’ve found yourself uncoupled and alone for the holidays I have three tips to help you get through the next week and a half:

- Drink. Responsibly of course… but seriously, holiday cheer is the best remedy for lonely afternoons. I mean evenings. Yes you might cry, but you might laugh-out-loud a whole lot too!
- Workout. Nothing says, “I’m over you” like a killer bod. Get your booty to the gym and sweat. We’re talking 11 days here… 11 days until you’re back at work and on the other side of the festive season. Anyone can exercise for 11 days and who knows? Maybe the new routine sticks!
- Bake. Bake something challenging or intricate like layer cakes or cutout cookies. Baking kills so much time and you really can’t think about ANYTHING or anyone else the entire time. It’s the best way to check-out emotionally for a few hours. Do it every day (but give that shit away, don’t eat it) and I’m telling you it will be January, 4th before you know it.
Try to enjoy yourself the next few days. New Year, New You right around the corner :).
More to come,
Tanya B.
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