You’ve heard this little idiom once or twice.  I heard it just the other day.  And it’s ironic, because the man who delivered it (with haughty arrogance) made an assumption of his own, and consequently, made a total ass out of himself.

“It’s like good advice… that you just didn’t take…” Thank you Alanis Morissette.

Ok, so let’s talk about assumptions for a minute.  They’re these thoughts we have about how something is supposed to be, without any evidence. It’s what we believe should happen or is happening, will actually happen or is actually happening.

We’ve all been there. I assume.  Ha ha.

Seriously though. This is a great lesson in control and uncertainty.  We make assumptions (judgments) based on our perceptions or our beliefs about certain things. And, we’re often so disappointed when we’re wrong.

Let me ask you, does it pay to be so dogmatic?  Can you imagine if we all shared your perceived view of everything?  How special would you be then?  We’d share your identity, your reality, your pain, your joy, your anger, your brilliance, even your stupidity. No thanks!

What if you could be open to other beliefs and other opinions instead of living in denial that only yours were “right”? Perhaps clinging to your set ways is just your way of desperately trying to put solid ground – instead of quicksand – under your feet.

All I’m saying is perception isn’t always reality. It’s why we get so pissed off when what we thought should happen, doesn’t.  Try giving up some control, letting go, and accepting how very uncertain this life is.  Making assumptions about other people or circumstances is exhausting and it’s also known as (aka) being judgmental.

Remember, if you are focusing your attention on anything but your heart’s desires, your energy is being channeled to all the wrong places.  Spend less time assuming things about you and others, and more time displaying empathy and compassion. Walk in your truth knowing that the world is constantly changing, and that you actually have very little control.

As Brad (fiancé) would say, “it’s going to be what it’s going to be baby”.  And he’s right. Relax into that.

More to come,

Tanya B.