The kids are back in school – yipee!  I miss them, sure. But I’d be flat out lying if I said I was sad.  I’m not.  At. All.


(chuckles – hands up)

Seriously though, I know there was a time when the girls were smaller and I whaled uncontrollably at the idea of being separated from them and even tiptoed outside nursery school windows, in the bushes and cacti (don’t judge me), to check on them. Hashtag no lie. I suppose I could craft something here about those frantic memories to be more relatable to moms who are struggling with this time of year, but that’s not very exciting or authentic to me as a mom or writer, now.  It was a truth then. Not now.

Our teens and tweens need the type of structure and accountability that comes from having to wake up, get ready, and be where people are expecting them from 7:30am through 2:30pm every day, five-days-a-week. They need to be growing academically, participating, learning, and socializing face-to-face instead of through those stupid phones (eye roll).

They need to realign and get back into a healthy school routine.

Alignment is listening to your heart’s desire like it’s a religion.

Maybe you’re thinking their hearts’ desires probs (teen slang for probably) don’t involve going back to school :).  Don’t worry, the fall season is when all their after-school desired activities formally resume – they’re hooked up.

Ok, enough about them :).

Alignment.  You  know the, “if you’re not doing what your heart desires you’re wasting your life” concept.  Now’s a good time to get back on that.

First, let’s catch up – it was a long summer:

We went to Carlsbad, Vegas, Orlando, La Jolla – I also hit NYC and Brad jetted off to Boston and St. Augustine.  We spent hours and hours in the pool on oversized floaties (think swans, turtles, and ice cream bars) with the Bose system blaring summer hits. It was the perfect lazy, family summer.

The bulk of my days are still packed with fulfilling work (thank the Lord) and now, chauffeuring kids to and from school.  But while they’re in evening activities is when I’ve been working to update and synch business/family calendars, identifying pockets of travel, looking ahead to the holiday season, winter breaks, parties, and who goes where, when.  Not very exciting I know but part of staying aligned for me is about being mentally and physically organized.

Then it’s on to the real personal stuff – health, money (sigh), and creating.  It’s constant. The aligning and re-aligning. You align, things really get rocking (as they do when your heart + mind are working together), then you start putting you last, dead-last and alignment goes out the proverbial window.

And that’s ok.  You get as many do-overs and re-starts as it takes because if you’re not getting it right, you’re misstepping, or, you’re realizing a bigger desire and things need to change again anyway.  It’s an uncertain journey and aren’t we all just trying to get comfortable with it? (Curious – did you almost say “jiggy with it” when you read that? I thought of re-writing that sentence for a second).

Anyway, what I’m keenly interested in lately, is how to deepen the level of alignment in life. That’s the next thing whispering to me…

How’ve you been?

More to come,

Tanya B.