This!  It’s become a favorite technique.

Unplug. Unplugging.

10 years ago we would never have used either version of the word as a method of rejuvenating.  I’m not just talking about technology either – I’m talking complete disengagement from toxicity, negativity, worry, guilt and doubt.  IT’S INCREDIBLY HARD to surrender your concerns but when you let the universe and God decide how things will end up, when you just let it be – you’ll find the peace you’ve been searching for.  It’s not a one and done kind of thing though… you’ll find yourself letting go over and over and over. Sometimes the outcome will be exactly what you hoped, other times not even close, but often times, it’s way better than you ever imagined.

It’s a conditioning of the thoughts.

Wait, what does that mean?

First, everything is interpretive here, hopefully you’ll find things that you can relate to and you’ll go with that.  I see the analytics on this site and so I know it’s helping some of you! Love it!

Anyway, my interpretation of conditioning of the thoughts is like doing dumbbell curls or running.  Some days I can run six miles without breaking a sweat and other days I can barely make it two miles without everything hurting.  Same with curls. Some days I can curl 15 pounds, other days I’m lucky if I can handle the five pounders. Anyway, you get it. You have to keep doing it. Conditioning during the good days to prepare you for the not so good ones.

Our minds and bodies are the same like that.  Some burdens feel heavier than others on any given day.  Sometimes you power through and the results are rewarding, other days you pack it in before you begin, just pull the sheets over your head and call it a day.  And for us women, hormones come in to play too, so don’t discount how those affect your moods.  It’s not an excuse, it’s a reality… especially for those of us nearing menopause years :).  I’m not a doctor. Just a wife, mom, friend, sibling,  and sometimes a hormonally challenged woman (she says proudly).

What I’m saying here is, that nervous energy, the constant over-thinking… it’s not changing the outcome of anything. It’s just not. My mama use to say, “don’t borrow trouble”.  Listen, I’m not suggesting you do anything irresponsible here… if time’s up and you need to finish a project, take care of your kids, make good on a promise or something… then do it.  So, everyday responsibilities aside, whatever it is that’s got you tied up today – here are 10 tips (in no particular order) for unplugging from your worries and taking your mind off the uneasiness:

  1. Laundry
  2. Exercise
  3. Write
  4. Work
  5. Clean
  6. Read
  7. Wine (not whine)
  8. Bake (something that requires a lot of ingredients and measuring)
  9. Dance
  10. Snuggle (your spouse, significant other, kids, friends, pets, your blankets)

Just let it go, set it down. Whatever it is. And enjoy your beautiful life. It’s too short – you know it.

More to come,

Tanya B.