I believe that’s true. Perception is reality and everyone can have a different perception or interpretation of situations, conversations, someone’s personality/behavior, intentions, circumstances, shapes and even colors.

How you perceive things or people may be entirely different than how your friend, acquaintance, loved one, stranger, or colleagues perceive.

That’s because you may be different ages, sexes, nationalities and you all have different experiences, values, memories, expectations, beliefs and environmental conditions.

I would caution against assuming someone is engaging in subterfuge just because their interpretation or perception at one place in time is different from yours. For example a flippant remark may be no more than a lack of vocabulary or inability to articulate in the moment.

There’s nothing wrong with being intellectually curious about things or trying to find answers to puzzling questions or situations but be careful not to label or draw inaccurate conclusions.

You can’t unsay or unhear some things especially the kind that sting, but you can forgive, understand and believe people are inherently good.

I do.

More to come,
Tanya B.