This is such a great question. It’s one I ask regularly when I’m seeking advice, knowledge, healing, compassion. I choose to listen to God, my husband, my parents (even though they’re gone, their voices are always in my head), my soul sisters, soul brothers, fellow authentic spirit junkies and mentors because they’ve experienced hardship. They’ve Suffered. Physically. Financially. Lost Loved Ones, or Themselves. Been Broken. Emotionally. Addicted. Afflicted with Health issues. Endured.
And then, made it. Really fucking made it.
They exude light. Many have even climbed out of hell only to find themselves right back in it – and. Still. Climbed. Out. Again.
They’re mad strong. They stand up for what’s right and unpopular. They’re respected. They’re humble. They don’t point fingers. They take ownership. They listen to hear. They lift up, not tear down. They aren’t always liked – because, they’re mirrors: reflections of what others don’t like in themselves. They’re consistent and unwavering. In any situation.
They may be young and wise beyond their years, or old visionaries… Even deceased luminaries with writings and teachings that make me weak.
I look for something relatable, some common thread that can be woven into a multi-cultural, multi-dimensional, spiritual, kind, brilliant, creative, tough, understandable, humane, colorful tapestry. There has to be a human connection. Whether I know them personally or not, there has to be a connectedness – a series of “a-ha” moments or “yyyeeeesss”! Some “you-are-speaking-directly-to-me”‘s! Something that moves me. Some pain. Some joy. Some successes. Some failures.
All of that – that’s why I listen.
As you make your way through this crazy world, this one life, it’s important to have some guidance. Sure, you can do it alone. But, where’s the fun in that :).
More to come,
Tanya B.
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