Ya, you!  So let’s think about all the fantastic things happening in your life right now.  Wait, what’s that?  Nothing fantastic is happening?  Bull Sh*!.  Are you breathing?  Is your heart beating?  Presumably if you’re reading this, the answer to both of those questions is, yes.

Life! What an amazing concept…

Listen, I’m not going to trivialize or minimize any real frustrations, concerns, health issues, emotional needs, or grief you may have today.  Believe me I have experienced them all myself.  When I look back on those times of struggle in my life where I was led by my feelings, the one, silent, ever present participant in my journey, was life.

I was alive!  I wasn’t living – but I was alive.  And so are you! So let’s use that as a baseline today and work up from there, yes?

Today, I challenge you to remind yourself that you are remarkable.  You are bold.  You are kind.  You are happy.  You may not feel any of these things in the moment – but here’s a hint… keep saying those descriptive words to yourself over and over instead of the negative ones currently on replay in your head and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you start to feel and believe them.

It’s true.  Bodacious you 🙂

More to come,

Tanya B.