To prosper and flourish. The perfect definition for a remarkable word.

Are you thriving right now?  Or are you sorta stuck? Maybe this short, sweet post will help you figure it out.

I’m reading about Shenpa… it’s a Tibetan word for getting hooked or being attached. So it’s kind of like being stuck.

Pema Chodron is my favorite writer of themes like: taking personal leaps of faith, channeling good and reversing negativity.  Her teachings are centered in fear-based clinging… Shenpa.

I love reading and learning about new ways to identify and shed negativity. It comes back to alignment every time for me.  Let me explain.

If you want to thrive, you have to be able to see those things, thoughts or people that hook you – then listen to your heart and brilliant mind to let them go.

When you aren’t holding on so tight, you can tap into that inner strength, and make less familiar reactionary choices. You can realign your day, your life, to thrive. You can get unstuck.

Have a positive, happy day! Move and be moved.

More to come,

Tanya B.