Update 1.1.18: Letting it all go :).

I don’t know where to begin. Every time something happens that makes me want to scream, I feel compelled to write about it. Of course I actually scream too, but then only a few people hear me.  This way, here, more of you get the message because, there is no fucking way I am alone in any of this.

My thoughts aren’t organized enough yet, so here are some bullets on the topics swirling in my brain – decided I needed an editorial calendar of sorts to expand upon later, here goes (in no particular order):

  • There are REAL victims out there (me too)
  • “Stop playing the victim” (completely unrelated to bullet one)
  • Generalization vs. Personalization (men)
  • SLEEP (everyone needs more of it)
  • Take care of your CHILDREN FIRST (child support – see bullets 2 and 3, in fact let’s make it a 3 part series)
  • Raising girls (ALL THE BULLETS)
  • Raising boys (ALL THE BULLETS)
  • Be a good person, and if you can’t be, get help to be (this one is for the assholes)
  • INTROSPECTION – you become your thoughts (why hasn’t everyone figured this out yet?)
  • SUBTERFUGE (just, why?)
  • Legacy (what will yours be???)

There. These are themes getting heavy play time in my head and yes, they’re the angst behind my Instagram posts lately. I’m fucking tired of being tired.  And. The news pisses me off, too. Not it’s delivery, cadence, or channel (method of delivery), but the FACT that there’s no fucking shortage of it.

Our President has become the joke that’s more than a joke. SNL skits on him aren’t even funny any more because it’s too close to reality!

We hold onto what’s left of the multi-cultural, multi-gender, multi-sexual orientation, multi-religion, multi-race, multi-disability fabric of America from what feels like less of a figurative blanket and more like an actual, skinny, unraveling thread, hanging out of some imaginary opening in the sky, our collective feet dangling in mid air…

We need an awakening. Gun violence, Mother Nature, wild fires, nothing seems important enough? Have these things become normalized too?

More to come,

Tanya S.