Fast forward to 2006 ish… I flew to Toronto to help a family member through a tough spell and recall then, learning about Facebook. It was a hit in Canada!
I opened a Facebook account soon after that trip (maybe even on it) and loved it. Initially.
Then, twitter! I opened my twitter account in 2009 and though I don’t tweet as much as I used to, I still really enjoy the platform! I use it to consume or push out (mostly) professional content. More consuming than tweeting.
Ah, then Instagram!! Think I opened that account later than the others… because a) it wasn’t around yet obviously and b) when it was, I thought it was only for foodies… and nothing I prepared was ever gonna be worthy of a great feed (pun intended 😂).
So where am I going with this?
Social media is about engagement. You need likes and followers to engage with.
And if you don’t like me or my posts, you can just keep scrolling! No 👍🏽 or following required. It’s fabulous.
I’d rather you do that anyway instead of judge me for what I post when it doesn’t comport with your idea about what I *should* post. Ya know? Stop being so judgy. What you see in me that you don’t like, you got in you. Spot it, you got it 😉.
Oh, and I’m not sure how I feel about Facebook anymore.
Peace and more to come,
Tanya S.
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