But just days earlier, I was reaching my limit and feeling utterly defeated. I had started this Instagram draft below but abandoned it because it wasn’t “positive” enough…
Fuck it… I’ve decided to push it out anyway (and here) because it is “honest” enough. I think it shows you a couple things:
- Vulnerability
- Relatability
- Self Care Lesson and,
- Inner Warrior
Never give up. And please, squash those negative thoughts every day. Because they will come everyday. Timing is always divine… this post helped me align. Why would I delete a part of my inner warrior?
Thank you self. For my pep talk. It worked! Warrior on, more to come,
Tanya S.
Here goes:
I’m not sure if I have ever complained more… (sorry family)… 30 days into this knee debacle and to say I’m “over it” is an understatement.
I went from 5-7 miles of activity a day, to zero. Zero. Not even the grocery store.
A few drives for the kids. And one Sunday movie (ouch. mistake). Otherwise just PT (physical therapy) or here… At home. At my desk or by my pool. That’s it. I’m going fucking stir crazy. And losing the tone I’d been working hard for.
There. I said it. Out loud. How I really feel.
Ok, cue self pep talk:
“Get over yourself already! There’s nothing fatally wrong, you didn’t need surgery, and you have a family that loves you, a pretty nice home and pool to sit by while you rest so, stawp. No one cares. You needed to slow down and you weren’t listening to your body’s gentle hints so it gave you one aggressive blow. Do the work and the recovery. Because you’re not gonna get better UNTIL you accept this is exactly where you are supposed to be. Vulnerable. Dependent. Learning patience. Learning a slower pace. Learning to let others lead. Learning to sit with your bent (not broken), swollen self while it heals.”
Ok, fiiiiinnnnneee. So… I’ll practice surrender and grace so I can get better. ‘Cause God and anyone who will listen to me knows I really want to get better, fast.
I promise to be less complainy, and a good (and patient) patient… everyone can come out now 🙂 😬😂
#honesty #vulnerability #love #grateful #slow #healing #patience #trust #enjoy #life #peace #family #present #oc #socal #mama #leadbyexample
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