It’s easier to live in fear and worry than it is to live fearless and worry free. It’s also easier to think negative thoughts than positive ones. You’ve heard it all before.
But, have you heard it this way: If you find yourself thinking of or obsessing over all things you don’t want to happen, you’re taking the easy way out. Come on, you’re smarter and stronger than that.
Try focusing all of your attention on what it is you DO want to happen. Fight the urge to fear, resist the temptation to worry and stress. Visualize what you want, where you want to be, and be obsessed with finding ways to make what you’ve only imagined become a reality.
It’s perfectly acceptable to have those conversations with yourself too. Out loud.
Identifying the triggers, ghosts, or hooks preventing you from positive thinking means you have to get real and honest with yourself. Is it money, fear of abandonment, lack of confidence, a past relationship – personal or professional, a broken heart, loss, addiction, weight, health, envy?
Just a quick check… If you can say yes to one, some, or all of the above you’ve already thought too long about them.
Now, what is it you DO want? Wealth, security, confidence, love, healing, health, self forgiveness?
Turn that negativity into positivity; flip that thinking upside down. It is hard. But, aren’t you worth the effort? Isn’t your family worth it?
OF COURSE YOU ARE! Of course they are.
Go on and be the person you envy.
More to come,
Tanya B.
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