Absolutely LOVE this title.  Thank you Pema Chodron – one of my favorite writers!

Sometimes we tug for or against someone or something so intently we hurt ourselves.  Chodron writes about hearing a story of throwing hot coals at enemies.  Certainly you’ll hit and burn the enemy on some of those throws, but with 100% certainty you’ll burn yourself on every throw.  Wisdom.

I’m not suggesting you shouldn’t stand for a good cause or repel from a bad situation.  Part of being healthy and happy in mind and body means taking care of you and the people you care about.  Champion away!  Conversely, do whatever you need to stay safe mentally and physically even if that means going against the status quo.

What I am suggesting is that we lessen the daily tug of for or against the little things.  You know, it’s like your mom used to say, “Don’t sweat the small stuff”.


More to come,

Tanya B.