I know it. I get it. And, it does get better. But you don’t want to hear that right now with all the insta’s and Facebook posts of spouses laughing, fa-la-la-ing, and snuggling… so I get that too.
Whether you wanted to be divorced or not, if you’ve found yourself uncoupled and alone for the holidays I have three tips to help you get through the next week and a half:
- Drink. Responsibly of course… but seriously, holiday cheer is the best remedy for lonely afternoons. I mean evenings. Yes you might cry, but you might laugh-out-loud a whole lot too!
- Workout. Nothing says, “I’m over you” like a killer bod. Get your booty to the gym and sweat. We’re talking 11 days here… 11 days until you’re back at work and on the other side of the festive season. Anyone can exercise for 11 days and who knows? Maybe the new routine sticks!
- Bake. Bake something challenging or intricate like layer cakes or cutout cookies. Baking kills so much time and you really can’t think about ANYTHING or anyone else the entire time. It’s the best way to check-out emotionally for a few hours. Do it every day (but give that shit away, don’t eat it) and I’m telling you it will be January, 4th before you know it.
Try to enjoy yourself the next few days. New Year, New You right around the corner :).
More to come,
Tanya B.
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